
Scene description

One of your good friends gave you a set of sexy underwear as your birthday gift.You are surprised and embarrassed because you have never worn this type of underwear.what should you do?

Understand the affair

Interest underwear mainly allows people to show their sexy charm in a way, often with other decorations such as hooks and bow.Before choosing sexy underwear, you need to understand your physical form and psychological needs.

Understand your physical form

Different physical forms need different sexy underwear. Understanding your physical form can allow you to better choose the style that suits you.For example, if you have a relatively large chest, you need to choose a product with a certain support, otherwise it will cause discomfort or health problems.

Consider personal preference

Personal preference is also one of the important factors for choosing sexy underwear. You need to consider the colors and styles that are consistent with your taste.For example, you can choose black or red sexy underwear, which are usually regarded as sexy and tempting.

Pay attention to size and quality

When choosing sexy underwear, the size and quality must be considered.You need to ensure that the size of the underwear you choose is appropriate and meets your physical requirements, and you must also choose high -quality underwear, which will be more comfortable and durable.

Skills and precautions wearing sexy underwear

Wearing sexy underwear requires certain skills, you need to pay attention to the following points:

It is correct to tie the hook, don’t tie too tightly or too loose.

Choose the type of underwear that suits you to avoid excessive ugly marks.

Pay attention to hygiene issues, please clean it in time after each wear.

Show your sexy charm

Wearing a sexy underwear allows you to show your sexy charm, but the charm does not come from the clothes itself, but from your self -confidence.Therefore, please do not feel shy or uncomfortable when wearing, and believe in your beauty and charm.

Enjoy the fun of sexy underwear

Interesting underwear is born to increase interest and fun, so you need to learn to enjoy the pleasure and fun of wearing sexy underwear.You can wear sexy underwear with your partner to increase the intimacy and taste of each other.

Maintenance and maintenance of underwear

Interest underwear needs to be cleaned and maintained regularly, otherwise it will affect the service life and comfort of the underwear.You need to clean and maintain according to the label instructions on the underwear.


Wearing sexy underwear can make you more confident and sexy, but you need to pay attention to some skills and precautions when choosing and wearing.The most important thing is that you need to believe in your beauty and charm, and enjoy the pleasure and fun of sexy underwear.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: