Will I get sick after trying to try on the sexy underwear?


When choosing a sexy underwear, some people will worry about the possibility of infection or illness due to hygiene problems after trying on.So, if the question is, will the sexy underwear really get sick after trying it on?Let’s talk about it.

The spread of body fluids such as sperm, vomit

Some people may worry that the body fluid (such as sperm and vomit) left by others during trial can spread the germs and make themselves infected with disease.But in fact, this kind of transmission of germs is very small, because these body fluids are difficult to survive on the surface of the underwear for a long time, and the merchants will basically clean and disinfect in time after trying it on.

How long is it?

Another worry is that the sex underwear has been tried to penetrate for a long time before.In fact, this situation is very rare. Merchants usually do not retain the products that have been tried on for customers to try on.Even if this is the case, it will not be reserved for a long time compared to the clothes that have been worn for a few days in summer.

Appropriate size is the key

The size of sexy underwear is very different, and wearing a size suitable for you can make the underwear more comfortable and beautiful.If you wear too large or too small underwear, you will cause discomfort and wear to the private parts, not infected with any disease infection because of trying penetration.

Disinfection before buying

Although it is not the main reason for the infection of the disease, compared to buying a new underwear, it is better to try it more at ease.

The problem of dandruff and bacteria

Everyone has dandruff, and these dandruff and bacteria are attached to the hair, and these hair may be exposed to sexy underwear.However, if merchants and guests consciously clean and disinfect underwear, they don’t have to worry about these bacteria.

Personal hygiene

After all, the cause of infection is generally because of poor hygiene habits.Therefore, when buying sexy underwear, you must keep personal hygiene when trying it on. For example, you must wear a trial of underwear and then take off your gloves to avoid direct contact with the sex organs, which greatly reduces the risk of infection.

Model and material

The sexy underwear of different models and materials will cause different pressures and stimuli in the private parts. After all, different people’s physical structures are different.Therefore, to buy underwear suitable for you to effectively prevent diseases caused by unsuitable when using sex underwear.

Don’t wear fun underwear when you are infected with the disease

For some people, it is really important to buy sexy underwear, but if you infected some diseases, then wearing sexy underwear may cause greater harm to the body.Therefore, in this case, you still need to choose the method of self -protection. Do not even wear underwear when you infect the germs.


In summary, trial sex underwear is very small for personal health.If you try to penetrate after disinfection, choose a size that suits you and strengthen your personal hygiene at the same time, then wearing sexy underwear will not only make sexual life richer and better, but also not endanger personal health. You can try it with confidence.

If you want to learn more about sexy lingerie or purchase men’s or sexy women’s underwear, you can visit our official website: https://melbournelingerie.com